Below are the companies from neighboring towns.
sale of candy, baked goods in bulk
Phone: +7 (4742) 77-92-30
Address: Lipetsk, st. Barasheva, 3 and
wholesale bakery
Phone: +7 (4862) 72-07-65
Address: Orel, Komsomol Lane, 26
wholesales bakery products
Sale of bakery products.
Phone: +7 (4872) 215831
Address: Tula Str. Kaul, 49, building 1
Confectionery, sweets, bakery products. Wholesale trade.
We sell wholesale, sale of confectionery, candy, baked goods.
Phone: +7 (4872) 402806
Address: Tula Str. Kalinina, 26, building 1
Sale of confectionery, candy, baked goods.
Phone: +7 (4872) 395109
Address: Tula, Odoyevski highway, d.93
Large range of supporting material, including equipment for cleaning, equipment cafeterias, restaurants and cafes.
Implementation of bakery products in bulk
Wholesale bakery products
Phone: +7 (4752) 52-28-00
Address: Tambov, st. Michurinskaya, 191 b
Wholesale trade in bakery products
Phone: +7 (4912) 769862
Address: Ryazan, ul. Military motorists, 3
Phone: +7 (4912) 348927
Address: Ryazan, road lane. 5
Phone: +7 (4842) 72-22-15
Address: Kaluga, ul. Karl Liebknecht, 25
Bakery products Elets. All Elets bakeries are listed in business directory If you are a representative of a bakery in Elets or Elets region and you did not find here information about your company please register here and we will post your business information in our directory.